Evening seminar: BEPS – the OECD presents…

From November 10, 2015 at 18:00 to at 21:00

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David Roach, PwC Luxembourg’s Tax Technical Expert, has been following the BEPS project closely since its inception.

He will present his analysis and his personal views, amongst others, on what the key conclusions are, if this is the last we will hear of BEPS or on what this is now likely to mean for Luxembourg.

Colleagues who are not ABIAL members, but who have a particular interest in the topic, are particularly welcome to attend this meeting. Please circulate this invitation to your colleagues.

The cost of the seminar (including cocktail) is: EUR 20 for Members EUR 30 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis

Invitation incl. detailed programme


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